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Recommended Synthetic Turf Sports Systems in Metric Measurements

In many ways it’s amazing that the US never got on board with the metric system. The metric system makes sense… factors of 10… what could be easier than that? Certainly not 12 inches to a foot and 16 ounces to a pound! We missed our boat in the 1970’s and 1980’s when the US government had made an effort to convert over to the metric to align with the rest of the world.

Call it what you will but the effort fell flat and here we are nearly 50 years after the passing of the Metric Conversion Act and we’re firmly rooted in the old world, imperial system. It’s fine if you only do business within the US but in our increasingly connected world, this sets up a challenge. These charts below are intended to ease the conversions for our international friends and partners. 

The image above, is a map of the 3 countries in the world that don’t use the metric system: USA, Liberia and Myanmar.

Recommended System with Envirofill

System ComponentEnglishMetric
Turf TypeSlit Film & Monofilament Blend
Turf Height1.75″45mm
Face Weight46 oz. per square yard1560 grams per square meter
Infill Application Rate*7 lbs. per square foot34 kg per square meter
Shock Pad≥20mm shock pad≥20 mm shock pad 
Envirofill Shipped in Bulk Bags3,000 lbs.1360.7 kg
*exact quantity to be verified based on specific turf used and desired fiber reveal.

Recommended System with Safeshell

System ComponentEnglishMetric
Turf TypeSlit Film & Monofilament Blend
Turf Height1.75″45mm
Face Weight46 oz. per square yard1560 grams per square meter
Performance Infill Layer Application Rate*1.5 lbs. per square foot7.3 kg per square meter
Ballast Infill Layer Application Rate5 lbs. per square foot24 kg per square meter
Shock Pad≥ 20mm shock pad ≥20 mm shock pad
Safeshell Shipped in Bulk Bags2,000 lbs.907 kg
*exact quantity to be verified based on specific turf used and desired fiber reveal.

Do you still have questions about the recommended system for a synthetic turf system with a Motz infill? Feel free to contact us here. We are always happy to help!

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