You’ve made a smart choice by deciding to install artificial turf in your backyard. It’s low maintenance, environmentally friendly, and, most of all, safe for your kids! But winter’s around the corner, and along with it, ice and snow. What does this mean for your lawn or your kids’ playground? How do you protect it? […] A lot of folks with synthetic grass lawns say they love how low maintenance their turf is. But for those with a Fido afoot, TLC will sometimes be needed to eliminate a common turf issue for dog owners. We’re talking about the smell that happens when artificial turf and dog urine mix. Artificial turf […]
There’s nothing quite like the neat, low-maintenance beauty of a well-scaped synthetic turf yard. Perfect for busy homeowners who want curb appeal without the fuss of monitoring grass growth and worrying what the weather will do to your landscaping, an artificial turf backyard or front yard (or both!) lets you trade that weekly upkeep for […]
One perk of being a dog owner? It’s a built-in reason to get outside, and often. Maybe that’s why dog owners tend to, on average, be healthier people. Dogs have been shown to increase physical activity levels in their humans by about 70 percent, making dog owners four times likelier than folks without these furry […]
Plenty of dog owners are rightfully concerned about how their pets’ potty routines will impact the odor, cleanliness, and aesthetic of their artificial grass yards. The truth is, synthetic turf is a perfectly viable option for families with pets. All it takes is a little bit of planning and a simple maintenance plan to keep […]
Do you wait in anticipation for the day when it’s finally time to pull out those holiday decorations? We know the feeling. Decorating is fun for the whole family and brings color and personality to any landscaping. Besides, who doesn’t love getting into the holiday spirit? But first things first. Let’s talk about grass health. […]
One of the most significant advantages of artificial turf is that it requires very little maintenance. However, a few times per year, particularly in autumn, you will want to remove debris and fallen leaves. This is because small items, like leaves and twigs, can block the holes in the turf’s backing. Fortunately, this chore shouldn’t […]
There’s not a whole lot to keeping your synthetic turf in tip-top condition during the winter months— or at any time of the year, for that matter! It’s one of the beauties of choosing artificial grass for your home landscaping. And while the Jones’ natural grass will require a “final mow” and then turn brown […]
When running your business, the last thing you want to worry about is getting your orders delivered on time. Luckily, Motz has an in-house team of operations and logistics experts to seamlessly deliver your Envirofill and pad orders. Five Things to considerations when ordering and scheduling your synthetic turf materials #1 – Location, Location, Location […]
Envirofill is unique in that it has an industry-leading, durable, coating also known by its scientific name, poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA). PMMA is a synthetic resin often used as a substitute for glass. It forms a transparent and rigid plastic, often used in products such as skylights, aircraft canopies, commercial aquariums and shatterproof windows, items […]